Course Syllabus

This Canvas page is primarily a resource for students with hearing loss and their parents in the immediate Dallas-Fort Worth Area to access information related to finding interpreters in the community, community resources, driver's license resources, and self-advocacy resources.  Please download files and click the links to check out all the resources.  This is specifically targeted for DFW resources, but may also include state or national resources.  The reason for this is because I want you - parents and students - to know where to find resources closest to your home.  There are other state and national websites with more information; some of these I will post links to in this course.

Deaf education teachers, itinerant, teacher's assistants, and interpreters might also find useful information here.  For interpreters, I would recommend checking out the ASL Resources.


This is also a resource for general education teachers who serve Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in their classrooms.  As a general education teacher, you may be interested in the following modules:

Oral Mainstreamed Student - 

There is the Captioned Media Program you can use to find educational videos with captions.  There is also an explanation of accommodations for DHH Students.

How Hearing Works - 

Learn parts of the ear and how hearing loss occurs.  There are different types and degrees of hearing loss.  You can also learn about hearing aids and cochlear implants.

American Sign Language - 

There are many webistes and resources to help you learn ASL if you choose.  


For General Education Teachers - 

Best practices information, accommodations, myths about deafness, and how to best assist students with hearing loss in your classroom are included.

Time Management Resources -

You could use these apps for your own children, or send home for your general education students' parents.

Course Summary:

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