Course Syllabus

Welding I & II


Instructor:  Christen Mendez

Phone: 214-796-4069                     Email:


Class Schedule
 Period Time A Day Period Time B Day
1st Period 7:10am-8:40am Welding I 7th Period 7:10am-8:40 am Welding I
2nd & 3rd Period 9:30am-12:45pm Welding I 8th & 9th Period 9:30am-12:45pm Welding I
4th & 5th Period 1:45pm-4:55pm Welding I 10th & 11th Period 1:45pm-4:55pm Welding II


Course Description (look at course description handbook):

CC4277 – WELDING I Certification opportunity: OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) General Industry Students will evaluate the function and application of the tools, equipment, technologies, and materials used in welding. Topics will include: joint design, symbols, welds, and the concepts and intricacies of inspections and related codes. Students will analyze and demonstrate proper procedures for plasma arc cutting on metals, shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding, and flux cored arc welding. Grade Placement: 11 2 credits Location: CTE Center 74

Classroom expectations:

Attend Class

Comply with all safety rules

Helping someone does not mean you do their work,

Take advantage of the opportunity the district is offering.

Complete an online Safety Course.  

Give 100%  effort.


Grading, Make-Up (CTC Standard) and Re-Take Policy:

Students who have been absent for illness or any other reason have the responsibility to contact the teacher about any make-up work they need to do.  Each campus sets a timetable for student make-up work.  The make-up work time table for the CTC will be that students will have one class day for each day missed plus one additional class day.  The additional class day is to account for the possibility that the student may not have a class scheduled at the CTC the following day after their absence.  Example:  If a student is absent on Monday, he/she will have until Wednesday to get their missing work and then must have it turned in by Friday.  This make-up policy will be the universal expectation across all clusters at the CTC.  


Re-Take Policy

The entire staff at the CTC wants our students to be successful.  With this goal in mind, you may allow a student a reasonable opportunity to make up or redo a class assignment or examination for which the student received a failing grade.  If a teacher is going to allow re-take opportunities in their classroom, this must be something that EVERY teacher in that cluster must allow.  If you choose to allow re-take opportunities, EVERYONE in the cluster must use the same wording and clearly define the policy that will be used in that cluster. 

All retakes must be completed prior to the end of each six week or if the test is at the end of the six weeks then before teacher grades are due.  Final exams are not to be included in the re-take policy. 


Special Materials/Requirements:

AISD provides the basic materials needed to earn credit for the course.  Individual projects may be made with instructor’s prior approval.  There will be no additional cost for the use of the equipment, although there may be a fee for raw materials.

Organization Membership Opportunities


Any Additional Time Commitments Outside the Normal School Day: (if applicable)

Adequate class time will be provided to complete a 10 hour online self-paced OSHA Safety Course. If however a student is unable to so, it will require effort outside of class.

Academic Dishonesty:

A student found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penalties on assignments or tests and disciplinary penalties in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct (SCoC).  Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an examination.  The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgement of the classroom teacher or another supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information from students. 

In the Student Code of Conduct Academic Dishonesty is defined as a Group 2 Misbehavior.  The range of corrective actions include, but are not limited to a zero on class assignments.

Your class syllabus should address academic dishonesty in your classroom.  You may refer parents and students to the SCoC should they have questions about what constitutes academic dishonesty or what corrective actions could be used when issues of cheating arise.  It might be a good idea to explain what plagiarism is and is not.  Some students and parents may not truly understand what constitutes plagiarism. 



Course Summary:

Date Details Due