
Syllabus Law Enforcement II 2018 – 2019


Instructor:  Livia Jones                    Conference period:  10th – 1:43 – 3:14

E-mail address: 

Phone:        (682) 867-9570            Class periods: Law II A day: 

                                                         3rd, 4th room B105; 5th B107 

                                                         Law II B day: 

                                                         8th, 11th  room B107

                                                         9th  room B105       


Course:  Law Enforcement II

Course Description:  Law Enforcement II is designed to provide the skills needed to become a law enforcement officer or an emergency telecommunicator.  This course will explore roles in the law enforcement field.  It includes the operation of emergency telecommunications equipment, ethical and legal responsibilities, professionalism and ethical and legal responsibilities, and interpersonal communication.

Course Objectives:  This course is intended to develop professional knowledge and skills that help the student understand the techniques of fostering public cooperation in a variety of law enforcement situations.

Required supplies:          Folder or binder


                                                Pen or pencil

Grading:  Grading is administered on a weighted scale.  Daily assignments and class participation are weighted as “1”.  Quizzes and class projects and group work are weighted as “2”.  Exams are weighted as “3”.

Final Exams:  The final exams will be comprehensive per semester.

Approved Classroom Technology:

Technology is provided in the classroom for student use.  All cell phones and personally owned technology will be put away before entering class. 

The technology will be numbered and assigned to each student.  Students will be responsible for the technology assigned to them during the class period.  Students will retrieve and return their technology in an orderly manner.  Each student will ensure that their technology is plugged in to the cabinet before leaving class.

Tardies:  Students who are tardy will need to obtain a tardy slip before entering class.  Students will need to obtain a bus pass to enter class if their bus is tardy.

Make-up work:

Students will adhere to the AISD policy for make-up work during absences.  Students will have 1 day for each day missed plus on additional day to make-up work.  Students with unexcused absences will not be eligible to make-up work and will receive a “0” for the day of the unexcused absence.

Emergency Procedures:

Procedures for emergency exit from the building are posted in the classroom.

Course Topics:  1. Student/Teacher/Course Introductions

  1. Family violence and crime victim’s
  2. Arrest tactics and search incident to arrest
  3. Traffic Stops, Building searches, Specialized Units
  4. Roles & responsibilities of telecommunicators & PSAP
  5. Call taking techniques, dealing with difficult callers, and industry rules and standards
  6. Types of Police, fire, and medical calls and police protocol
  7. Dealing with stress
  8. Procedures for investigating a crime scene
  9.   The incident command system
  10. Hazardous materials and explosives
  11. DWI Laws, accident reconstruction
  12. Legal Principles, risk assessment, courtroom procedures and testimony
  13. Case review

Course Summary:

Date Details Due