Course Syllabus

8th Grade Science

Boles Junior High School

Teacher: Lori Green

Welcome! I'm Lori Green, and I'm excited to have you in my class this year as we explore many amazing areas of science! 

Below, you'll find links to all the useful info related to our class. And, as always, if you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me! 

Course Syllabus 

*Includes grading policies, student work policies (late work, credit recovery), course overview, etc. 

Lab Safety Contract 

*This is sent home during the first week of school to be signed by student and parent. 

ALC (Active Learning Cycle) Overview

*This describes the learning framework used in science, as well as some other core classes, at Boles.


Canvas is used as our classroom website. Our daily agendas, along with every activity and resource we use in class, are posted to a daily agenda in Canvas. 

Parents, you can sign up for an observer account and monitor your student's progress through the course. 

Make-up work/Absences

In case of an absence, students should check Canvas to get makeup work. Even better, check Canvas before you return to school (if able) and already be caught up by the time you get back! 

Tutoring Info: 

Tutoring is offered before and after school, however times vary each week depending on my and my children's schedules. If you are interested in tutoring, students can check with me regarding times and/or set up a specific time and date for individual tutoring. 

Contact Info: 


remind: text @sci8green to 81010

instagram: @greensclassrocks

Course Summary:

Date Details Due